Declaration by the client receiving treatment

I have received sufficient information about the aesthetic treatment I am to receive and read the information sheet about this procedure. I have detailed explanation of the procedure I am to undergo. I fully understand the aims and objectives of the treatment. I am aware of the limitations, possible risks and unexpected side effects that may not be possibly anticipated beforehand; as well as the intended benefit to my appearance and wellbeing. I also understand the usual possible range of variation in the expected outcome of the treatment, which has been explained to me by the practitioner performing the treatment- procedure. I understand that the local anaesthetic may be applied or injected. I have had further opportunity to consult a medically qualified professional and have all my questions answered to my entire satisfaction. Having considered all aspects, I have decided to have this treatment of my own accord with sole intention the anticipated benefit from the same, provided by the practitioner performing the treatment procedure. I understand that I will not be able to sue my therapist in case of any complications or be entitled to a refund if I am not happy with my procedure. I agree to follow the post treatment advice provided. I hereby consent to receive the treatment described herein. I further consent to be photographed before, during and after treatment. I understand that these photographs would remain the property of the professional practice and will not be used for marketing purposes without my explicit permission. I understand my right to withdraw consent at any time.